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Lake Information

Placido Bayou Lakes


Placido Bayou's goal is to promote an ecologically balanced approach to the maintenance and management of the ten Placido lakes/ponds.


Water quality: The improvement of water quality is sought through native plants, aeration diffusers, application of DEP-approved treatments, prevention of reclaimed water runoff, implementation of Best Management Practices, and other methods, taking into account recommendations of Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD), Pinellas County, and Tampa Bay Estuary Program.


Flood control: The lakes are monitored to assess their ongoing capacity to control flooding in Placido. 


Aesthetics: The appearance of the lakes are addressed, with a balance between aesthetics, ecology and the long-term protection of the lakes.



Our PBCA stormwater pond system is separated into four subsystems dividing up our 636 homes.  Each subsystem has its own outfall drainage pipe, which flows into the canals that border Placido Bayou .


1. Lakes 1-3 capture runoff from about 255 homes or 40% of the stormwater runoff.   Townhouses, condos, and single family homes.

2. Lakes 4 and 5 capture runoff from about 57 homes or 9% of the stormwater runoff.  Townhouses, condos, and single family homes.

3. Lakes 6-8 capture runoff from about 221 homes or 35% of the stormwater runoff.  Single family homes.

4. Lakes 9 and 10 capture runoff from about 103 homes or 16% of the stormwater runoff.  Single family homes.